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I'm a self proclaimed coupon queen. Chinchiest of the cheapskates. Tightest of the tightwads.....I love to save money. It's sort of an addiction to me, although a good one as far as I can see it! I not only clip coupons, I maintain a constant supply of food and toiletries in my house for next to nothing. It's a way of life for me; not because I have to live this way...but I choose to live this way. Why spend money you don't have to, even if you can afford it. Spend it on something fun rather than on groceries. I love sharing my info on saving with others that are willing to listen. To those who are cose to me I am a huge bore of frugal information...but to my fellow savers I hope to be insiteful as well as helpful.



SS - Smartsource Insert from Sunday Paper

RP - Red Plum insert from Sunday Paper

PG - Proctor & Gamble Insert

MQ - Mailer Coupon

Q - Coupon

PQ - Printable online coupon

SQ - Sticky coupon (usually found on item or in store)

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